
Kunal Attri

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My Projects

  1. Fruit Quality Detector
    • It is an Android application that can accurately identify the quality of various fruits.
    • For this, we trained a DNN model based on EfficientNet B5 to classify fruits into various qualities.
    • Then, the model was integrated into an android application.
    • It can identify 6 different fruits:
      • Apple
      • Banana
      • Guava
      • Lime
      • Orange
      • Pomegranate
    • Fruits are classified into either of 3 categories:
      • Good
      • Bad
      • Mixed
    More Details or Download app

  2. Malware Detection using Machine Learning
    • Malwares can wreak havoc on a computer and its network.
    • Hackers use it to steal passwords, delete files and render computers inoperable.
    • And so, I gave a shot at trying to detect malwares using machine learning.
    • For this, I trained a Random Forest model to detect if a given .exe file is a probable malware or not.
    • On our test test dataset model was able to achieve an accuracy of 84.36 %.
    More Details or Try at Streamlit

  3. SecureIT - Data Security using Cryptography and Steganography
    • Developed a python application to encrypt and decrypt files into a very secure form.
    • It uses various Cryptography techniques such as RSA, AES, TripleDES.
    • It also uses Steganography techniques - Image and Video, depending on the size of input data.
    • The idea was to develop a technique to secure data into a form which cannot be decrypted by the fastest and best rigs also.
    More Details

  • Other Programs
Maths Programs Matplotlib Graphs Other Python Programs Android Apps

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Kunal Attri